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Compatibility of ENA Full-Circle Thermostats with Third-Party Temperature Sensors

Introduction: This article provides detailed information regarding the compatibility of ENA Full-Circle thermostats with third-party temperature sensors

Compatibility Overview: ENA Full-Circle thermostats offer compatibility with a range of temperature sensors, including both wired and wireless variants. However, the compatibility varies depending on the type of sensors being used.

  1. NTC Wired Sensors (10k or 20k): ENA Full-Circle thermostats are compatible with NTC wired sensors with resistance values of 10k or 20k. However, integration requires a sensor-enabled Full-Circle which is available by contacting our sales. This ensures seamless functionality and accurate temperature monitoring.

  2. Wireless Sensors: While ENA Full-Circle thermostats do not directly support wireless sensors, ENA Solution offers wireless sensors specifically designed for use with our thermostats. These sensors provide reliable temperature monitoring and control, offering an alternative solution for wireless temperature sensing needs.

Conclusion: ENA Full-Circle thermostats offer versatile compatibility options for integrating with third-party temperature sensors. Whether utilizing NTC wired sensors or opting for ENA Solution's wireless sensor offerings, users can achieve accurate temperature control and monitoring with ENA Full-Circle thermostats.